Tooktake monthly labels are perfect for anything you use once a month.

easy to forget

Not a part of your daily routine.

We tend to have daily routines that make it easier to remember daily medications, such as taking them with meals or brushing their teeth. Monthly medications lack this and can be harder to remember.

Calendar reminders help, but how do we know we actually took it? You probably know where this is leading... tooktake monthly labels!

They are perfect for osteoporosis, RA, and diabetes medications, and anything else you need to use monthly to stay healthy.

furry friends

Tooktake monthly is a hit with pet owners. Not so much with the pets ;)

A lot of pet medications are only given once a month, including flea and tick control, and heartworm pills and injections. With a month going by between doses, it can be challenging to remember when it's time for them to take it again, especially when there are multiple pet parents in the household.

Tooktake monthly can help you take better care of your fur (and feather and scale) babies.

Click here to visit our pet website, or order below.
